Muzeum Górnictwa Węglowego w Zabrzu


Coalmining Museum is one of the biggest postindustrial historical area with connections with coalmining history of Upper Silesia and city of Zabrze. Museal zone included more than 15 km of undergrund touristical routes and over a dozen industrial buildings on a top of the ground. Into Museal area there are connected two PArks, one is educational zone, like a special playground for children, the second is unique military collection under the patronage of Park of Military Technology. Museum is divided into two parts. The first it is Guido Mine, the deepest coal mine which is totally open for tourists with places which are laing more than 355 metres below the surface. The second is Queen Louise Adit, with the longest underground waterway with boats in Poland, and few others touristical routes. It is the only one placein Europe, where You can resist in XVIII th and XIX th centuries corss cuts and spaces under the pure city center of Zabrze. Coalmining Museum has got also differential education zone. We are also leading base of science connected with researches of history ofindustry and history of Upper Silesia and Coal Industry in Zabrze.