Lokalna Grupa Działania na Rzecz Rozwoju Gmin Powiatu Lubelskiego “Kraina wokół Lublina”


We invite you to visit the ‘Land around Lublin’ – this is an attractive natural area of the Lublin Upland, directly adjacent to the capital of the region – Lublin.
A wide range of tourist attractions awaits for enthusiasts of the Polish countryside, supporters of healthy regional cuisine, enthusiasts of active recreation or a history and art just outside Lublin.
We recommend a holiday close to nature, healthy organic food, cycling, canoeing, Nordic walking, horse riding, fishing.
The Local Action Group “Land around Lublin” is an organization that will help you in finding the right tourist offer, help to plan an attractive weekend trip or study visit, advise where you can spend the night or eat a healthy, regional dish.